Saturday, February 6, 2010

Glossary - Feral Fire

Southern indie rock from Murfreesboro, TN- the same town which hails a favorite of mine, the Features. And while that band employs more of a city, or even British vibe. Glossary are all good ol' boy. An upbeat fuzztoned collection, and I may have been secretly hoping for a Hold Steady kind of feel. But it's clear that Glossary are a bit naive and haven't stretched at all beyond they're drug of choice, PBR.

The closes thing they'll have to a single, "Save Your Money for the Weekend", is just as the press release says, "kind of a Southern version of Billy Joel’s 'Only the Good Die Young'". In that someone's trying to talk the pants off someone else. But it's also got that fun loving boppy chorus about it, so it's less like date rape.

Every song has a chick harmonizer to keep the band from completely stealing Bobby Bare Jr.'s gig. They turn up enough bass and distortion pedal to not be out of place at a Replacements show, even if the Glossary still have some livin' to do. "Your Heart to Haunt" is the ballad that will get your girlfriend on board because chicks all like to have that piece of ruination in their men forever. But she's may not stick around for the kiss-off "No Guarantee".

There are some pleasant moments, and I would totally appreciate this in a bar with a good beer buzz or next to a summertime bonfire, but other than that, there's not so much to keep you busy. (2.5 of 5 stars)

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