Saturday, June 26, 2010

22-20s - Shake/Shiver/Moan

I thought I remembered the 22-20s from hearing at least a song before, and I remembered it being more garage-y. Maybe I made that up in my head, because the 22-20s rarely get rambunctious on this latest disc. And nothing is remotely sexy enough to make me want to shake, shiver OR moan.

Now, I love Arctic Monkeys, and I wouldn't call them a garage rock band either, but at least Alex seems like he's always half in the bag and is only coming around to have a go at your girl.

The problem seems to mostly stem from singer Martin Trimble. When he doesn't seem tired or bored, he's at the very least too proper for a rock band. Standing him next to Jack White would be like standing Hugh Grant next to Marlon Brando (1950). The answer is obvious. Also, production is entirely too clean. For his part, the drummer is trying to let go and rip it up here and there. But even on those tracks, like "Oceans", he's masked by a producer who wants everything to be heard a little bit. Every strum, every cymbal hit. No distortion whatsoever.

The benefit to playing and singing this lazy is that when you have a slow, lazy, snake-in-the-desert-sand song, it works. "Bitter Pills" is included for your enjoyment. Otherwise- spiritless. (1.5 of 5 stars)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...well, you're entitled to your opinion. mine is 180 degrees away. as a boss i once had used to say 'that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.'
