This is a lyric from "Vox Populi" off the latest 30StM record. Which is track 8 of a 12 track collection. So, no Jared, we are not at the start. Timing is only one of your problems.
You know how pretty girls can go on and on with some fucked up story that she heard on Oprah but is currently getting totally wrong- and no one stops her or corrects her because she's beautiful? Jared Leto is that beautiful girl just getting it wrong.
Like song titles.
"Night Of The Hunter"
"Kings And Queens"
"Closer To The Edge"
"Search And Destroy"
"Stranger In A Strange Land"
Jesus, is this the lost Ratt album?
The themes of all the songs revolve around the concept of rallying the troops of the downtrodden kids to overcome their evil oppressive overlords. There are youth choirs ALL over the record to drive the point home that, "we will need you to sing this part at the concert."
Now, having bitched about that portion of the production, I'll call it more of a band decision. The production otherwise, delivered very purposefully by U2 collaborators Steve Lillywhite and Flood, is the best part of the record. I can appreciate that the Letos want to sound grandiose and "epic" and the producers delivered on what they were paid for. But when every song is trying to be its own "Jesus Of Suburbia" or "The Black Parade" or "Use Somebody", then no, this is not "war"- it's dodgeball at best.
I'm coining a new music genre for Jared Leto now. Pass it on. "Cheesmo" or "Cheesy Emo". It's the only way I can describe Leto's songwriting. I, for one, do not believe that Jordan Catalano has some overwrought hostility for the holy evil of the organized church. I'm saying people don't, I just don't believe he does. And whoever does can describe their emotions certainly way less insipidly than Jared does. "Looking for Jesus/Get on your knees" and "I'm guilty of treason/A Vatican son".
In "100 Suns", he speaks of believing in nothing, not several things that are somehow paired together. And it makes not a lick of sense. I assume he was going for "...except our love". But instead, he says, "but the beating of our hearts"- which is just a biological function. How can you believe in that if you don't believe "in the earth"? Answer that one before the narrarator destroys you.
There are too many lyrical faux pas to take seriously. And I've seen the band live. Jared is especially engaging and lively and oh so very beautiful. And he may have the utmost intention of relating to those kids that he's trying to help. But the failure comes from pandering to a teen mentality, or being too stupid to know how to communicate to them on a greater level. Someone needs to interrupt this guy's story. (1.5 of 5 stars)
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