Kicking off- all right, I'll admit my surprise. "T.O.R.N.A.D.O." has an insane break beat. Disjointed and cacophonous. Which was cool. What's it about, I have no idea- but on the drive to work, it would keep me awake.
Another highlight is the instrumental "Bust-Out Brigade". It's a university pep squad marching band funk jam! To an album I'm still not considering higher than a two-starrer, I can see this hanging on to be a best of 2011. Another brief instrumental "Super Triangle" is a mellow synthesized piece that would not be out of place on a Wings record.
Having said all this praise-y stuff; it should be noted with a big exclamation point that the engineer on this record is a deaf person. Every bit is blasted over the top with all the noise a studio can provide plus the kitchen sink. Nothing is distinguishable and the vocals/lyrics are ridiculously undermixed and unintelligible. I'm sure that the performances are not as sloppy as the sound, but all the sounds bleed together in the worst way. (2 of 5 stars)
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