Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Times New Viking - Dancer Equired

Decided to try a new thing on this time. TNV is a lo-fi garage band from Columbus that sounds like every other lo-fi garage band anywhere. It's being said that this is the most "produced" album of the eight they've put out, which sounds odd considering is still slipshod and muddy.

The drums are low key and mostly quiet. The guitar is a mild fuzz Fender. The vocals are doubled by guy and a chick and are always distantly echoed. Each vocal melody follows the guitar melody exactly. Prototypical, all of it. And boring. I could stand the sameness if the songs had any individual dynamics. But they don't.

One possible exception is "Try Harder". The riff here includes bending guitar strings, producing a wobbly effect. Then the rolling grunge riff moves along like a lawnmower that slightly dies, then restarts. But other than that, you won't find much to point to with any affection. (1.5 of 5 stars)

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