They come off as a cross between Bends-era Radiohead and the Strokes. It's got experimental electro-waves of sound. Even Doves-like. But then a chorus comes in an its built up big and with a rainbow, even if it's through a sloopy Ramones-loving singer. Now personally, as a rocker, I could have traded the Depeche-Mode synths for some fuzz tones, but that's not a problem.
"Endless Blue" is a great example of the whole record. It builds on its new wave overtones and the picks up the pace with a great riff and a danceable backbeat. The lyrics will tell you that you're never certain of anything unless you go in. A great metaphor for a perfectly titled record.
Now after I sell you on all of that modern hipsterosity, the album actually ends on a pair of truly uncharacteristically psychedelic tracks. The zombie freak out "Monica Gems" and the drowsy Pink Floydian "Burning Oceans". The former in completely excelling the listener to a scary riverboat in Wonka's midget slave dungeon. The other a mess that the band can use to stretch out if they need to fill festival times slots. A good collection. (3.5 of 5 stars)
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