A collection of droning minor chords and growling muted vocals. Each song is named "Epitome", as to make you aware that this is one story. And it starts with "Epitome VII" which makes you understand that this is a continuation of their last album, which ended at "The Fall: Chapter VI".
First of all, horrible production. And I'm not saying this because of the vocals; because I'm sure that this is what they were going for. But the drums sound like pitter-pat on tupperware. The drummer is clearly doing some damage, especially on double bass. But it sounds like shit. The guitar as well has, not a good buzzsaw sound; but a childish tinny buzzsaw sound.
The riffs themselves are not bad. "VII" suffers from reminding the listener too closely to Manson's "Sweet Dreams", but "VIII" has value- as a riff. Altogether, I don't know who this music is for. Where value is put on droning on so long that there is seemingly no end. Where vocal is so purposefully muddled to the point of subliminal "Head On" informercials underwater. This all makes "IX" - the drumless, vocalless, 2-minute guitar ballad my favorite. (.5 of 5 stars)
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