It's hard to say anything else about it. A quick blast of thirty minute fun. One of the notable things I found was in the lyrics. Alex gets a little wordy in order to follow the syncopation in a way that I haven't heard since Gary Cherone. "Outside fresh avaricide, but inside our love, you'll be alright" And other times, it's downright silly: "While I'm away you can let the mouse go down on you." Or the other song where he relates his fleeting relationships with losing his car keys. Or being king of the trees and animals. I could go on...
But the album is mostly about breakups, my favorite rock topic. My favorite is the rockiest. "Love Illumination" is almost a garage tune with the slick '70s riff. But also valuable is the mellowest. "The Universe Expanded", the promise of a separating couple to meet again when the universe retracts. The album closer is the perfect capper to this mood. "Goodbye Lovers & Friends" toys with the idea that this is not the end, but then finally assures us that it is indeed.
An album title that mostly does not lie. (3.5 of 5 stars)
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